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Poisonous Dream

  Table of Contents





  Host - Spirit Directory

  In the beginning…



  Patience To Recovery

  Fear Of The Unknown Future

  The Struggle To Strive Forward

  No More Running

  We All Face Challenges


  Falling For You

  Distance Is Safer

  Cure And Confrontation

  Loyalty Mark & Acceptance

  Confrontation And The Cure

  Sunflowers And Imperfections

  I Love You With All My Heart

  Gift Of Healing

  Bonding And Competition

  Surprise And Pure Love

  Training & Family Bonding

  Freila & Get Well Soon

  Sweet Angel Of Destruction

  Sinister Angel

  Spare The Forsaken

  Confession & A Hint Of Jealousy



  Farewell To The Old Me

  Starlight Gods Series: Coming Soon

  Review Request

  Celestia: Coming Soon


  About the Author

  Books by Yumoyori Wilson

  This is work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright© Yumoyori Wilson, 2018

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  The publisher is not responsible for website (or their content) that are not own by the publisher.

  This eBook/Paperback is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook/Paperback may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

  Cover Design by Arizona Tape

  Editing by Elizabeth A Lance

  Format: Gina Wynn





  Host - Spirit Directory

  In the beginning…



  1. Believe

  2. Patience To Recovery

  3. Fear Of The Unknown Future

  4. The Struggle To Strive Forward

  5. No More Running

  6. We All Face Challenges

  7. Claire

  8. Falling For You

  9. Distance Is Safer

  10. Cure And Confrontation

  11. Loyalty Mark & Acceptance

  12. Confrontation And The Cure

  13. Sunflowers And Imperfections

  14. I Love You With All My Heart

  15. Gift Of Healing

  16. Bonding And Competition

  17. Surprise And Pure Love

  18. Training & Family Bonding

  19. Freila & Get Well Soon

  20. Sweet Angel Of Destruction

  21. Sinister Angel

  22. Spare The Forsaken

  23. Confession & A Hint Of Jealousy

  24. Xavier

  25. Missing

  26. Farewell To The Old Me

  Starlight Gods Series: Coming Soon

  Review Request

  Celestia: Coming Soon



  About the Author

  Books by Yumoyori Wilson


  Thank you for purchasing POISONOUS DREAM.

  Thank you to all my amazing supporters for being awesome and encouraging me to write every day. PD has many themes- some good and some bad. I hope this book can motivate those who sometimes want to give up.

  Special thanks to Aspen Winters, Tamara White, C.M Stunich and Tate James for being such amazing friends and motivators (literally my daily sprint buddies haha xoxo).

  Thank you to my amazing BETA team for so being so epic and lively. You make this journey A LOT easier and I’m grateful to have all of you in my life.

  Special thanks to my amazing Mom for blessing me with the gift to write and supporting me in all aspects. I pray to continue making you proud as I strive towards success.

  Finally, I thank God for giving me the strength to achieve my goals. Without Him, I would be nothing.



  SOLACE: First six months of the year (Spring to Summer)

  LUNAR: Second six months of the year (Fall to Winter)

  CYCLE: Year


  Separate dimension (planet) within the galaxy, created by the Starlight Gods. Only ways of traveling between realms are through portal access, transportation ships or magical ability of teleportation.

  Realm ONE: Latelia – Starlight God: Deathpre (God of Death)

  Realm TWO: Wintalyn – Starlight Goddess: Kurani (Goddess of Water)

  Realm THREE: Feminara – Starlight God: Amaterasu (God of Fire)

  Realm FOUR: Phentailia – Starlight God: Lucifer (God of Hell)

  Realm FIVE: Minato – Starlight God: Risuki (God of War)

  Realm SIX: Earthala – Starlight God: Jehovah (God of Rebirth/Judgement)

  Realm SEVEN: Distala – Starlight God: Laviathan (God of Lightning)

  Realm EIGHT: Heila – Starlight Goddess: Nightmare (Goddess of Destruction -Daughter of Death)

  Realm NINE: Miolana – Starlight Goddess: Yuikimiru (Goddess of Life/Mother Nature)

  Realm TEN: ArchAilennia – Starlight Goddess: Aphroditeee (Goddess of Prosperity/Beauty)

  Host - Spirit Directory


  Roseline – DEMON

  Hopefilinia – ANGEL

  Lilylusha – PHOENIX

  Lexinalla – DRAGON

  Midnight – DARK FAIRY


  Stryker – DEMON


  Azriel – ANGEL


  EliaseAnne – FAIRY


  Ryuu – DRAGON


  Hinotori – PHOENIX

  In the beginning…

  Only the stars provided pinpricks of light throughout the galaxy. Overtime, the stars drifted together and collided, creating ten powerful beings – the Starlight Gods.

  The Gods’ purpose became to create life and light across the vast galaxy. Within the galaxy, they created ten separate realms, but began by creating life in only one realm. Cycles passed and their first creations – humans – blossomed and grew.

  The Gods were pleased; however, they wanted more. So, they created spirits – angels, demons, fairies, animals and more – to bond with the human body, and the shifter race was born. They placed the shifters throughout the other realms.

  Some realms were home to only a specific species of shifters, while other realms held an assortment of species – the shifters learned to coexist with each other in harmony

  The Gods created rules; a set for the human race to follow and a set for the shifter race. One rule was absolute…

  “Thou shall not take upon the role of the gods. We bless you with thy protection, your purpose to defend not destroy. One shall be blessed with the number of spirits we bestow and commend. No creation shall be granted ultimate power over the species. Defy this law and you shall know nothing but catastrophe and everlasting despair.”

  The Starlight Gods reside in the stars, having power and authority upon all beings. They can take any shape or form, whether human, shifter, animal or familiar. The shifter race looks to the Starlight Gods for power, strength, stability and hope

  As long as the shifter believes, the Gods will always be there.

  ~In Stars We Trust~


  Don't you sometimes wish that everything was just a dream?

  My name is Daniel Moore, future heir of Realm Ten, ArchAilennia.

  I've never felt regret like this before, such turmoil clinging to my very soul. I had vowed once long ago to never cause such pain and torment. Yet, such a vow has already been broken and this time, it's to someone far more dear.

  My princess is everything to me. She's my light when the shadows attempt to cloud my way, my beacon of hope when doubt aims to cripple me, and now she's my greatest sorrow because I can't face her. To look into those hollow, turquoise eyes and realize I'm the cause of such agony breaks my heart.

  Could she forgive me for my error of judgment? Would she even glance my way after the pain I've made her endure? Only time will tell.

  ~In Stars We Trust~


  "Let's go, Mako."

  I stared at her outstretched hand, my eyes looked up at the large gate behind her. Words couldn't describe its beauty— the immaculate appearance of the large gold gate that continued to sparkle and shine with power.

  I knew if I walked through those doors, I'd find peace, salvation...even happiness. I knew no one could hurt me again. I'd stay with my best friend forever and we could share all the time we'd missed.


  Something was pulling at my heart— telling me I'd regret taking her hand. But I couldn't remember anything else. I only knew I was Makoto Heart and my best friend, Lily Milton, would never betray me. Till her dying breath, she stood by me. How could I abandon her?

  She'd been here this whole time, waiting for me. I couldn't let her down again.

  I wanted to feel warm again. My essence was beginning to dim with every wasted minute.

  "Mako. Why are you delaying? We can't stay here for long. You don't want to play with me?" Lily whispered. My eyes widened, beginning to pool with tears.

  "I...don't...know. I need to be somewhere… somewhere." I struggled to form words. I couldn't think straight and wanted to just be safe.

  Safe...but...that gate won't lead me to the safety I crave...

  "No...Ma...Midn…don't die. Wake up!"

  Whose voice is that? Do I know him?

  "Mako. Are you afraid? You don't need to be. I'm right here." Lily walked till she stood before me, a big smile on her face.

  "I'm afraid? I...the voice. He's telling me to wake up," I confessed, trembling as I began to panic.

  I could sense the dread in that person's voice, the sorrow, and hurt that lingered in his desperate plea. He was important to me. Yet, I didn't know who he was. How could someone feel important to me when I never met them?

  "Don't listen to those silly voices. They just want to take you away from me. I don't want to lose you again, Mako. We're friends…remember? I'm lonely," she whispered, hanging her head low.

  I wanted to answer, to comfort her just as she always did for me through those two cycles at the facility. But, the pull got stronger— my chest ached.

  My breathing increased as my shoulders rose and fell, my hand gripped the space in my chest that began to throb in pain.

  "Lily...I can't, I can't breathe." I struggled for air.

  "You’re delaying that's why. We have to go. Here, I'll help you," Lily whispered, reaching out to grab my hand before she began to tug me toward the gate.

  I panicked as I tried to figure out what was causing me to be so frightened and struggle for air.


  I froze. Lily tried to pull me forward; we were only a few steps away from the gate, but I wouldn’t budge. I looked over my shoulder— a beautiful woman with wide pink eyes stood a few feet away.

  I noticed the oversized scythe on her back, a dangling shaped rose hung at the end of the chain that was wrapped around her arm. She looked out of breath as fear laced those beautiful eyes that looked like they had stars in them. Her purple hair blended with pink, having a soft glow as it floated lightly around her.

  I knew this woman...I loved her as a companion, who'd never leave me. She'd never desert me. She'd been with me since day one. She was...



  "You're a murderer."

  "What a disgrace.

  I bet he killed his Mother and the King had no choice but to cover it up."

  "Him? A knight? He'll only bring despair and calamity like he has this kingdom."

  "A child with such a gift should be banished."


  "He's lucky the law is against the killing of royals. Those rogues would kill him in moments."

  "Kill him."

  "Kill him."

  "Kill him," Mako whispered — haunting blue eyes locked onto me as tears rolled down her flushed cheeks.

  I reached my hand out; my eyes grew wide as I watched her fall backward off the balcony.


  I jolted awake, gasping for air as my wild eyes scanned the dark room. I took a deep breath as I tried to calm my breathing. Cold sweat clung to my skin like a layer of clothing. I wiped the tears from my eyes, noticing how my hands continued to tremble from the sheer panic of the nightmare.

  Just a dream...just a dream.


  I glanced to my right; tired purple eyes greeted me from the couch— Ryder Carter laying on his side, staring at me. I could see how he was struggling to keep them open as his head began to fall back against the pillow, but he fought the urge to sleep.

  "I'm fine...go back to sleep," I reassured him. I knew he wanted to argue, but the darkness won, his eyes closing as he relaxed. I waited till his breathing calmed, confirming he fell straight back to sleep.

  I pinched my nose, pulling off the black blanket and moving from the bed. I grabbed my training bag and a pair of shorts, slipping on my slippers and heading out the door— ensuring I closed the door lightly to not disturb Ryder.

  I walked the silent halls of our private section of the castle, heading straight to the training room created just for us. I entered the large room, dropping my duffle bag and removed my slippers as I headed for the showers.

  I walked into the shower room, my eyes unable to ignore the large mirror hanging on the wall above the sink— a pair of haunted eyes stared back at me. I noticed the dark circles that cradled my eyes and the exhaustion of getting inconsistent sleep for days lingered in the lines of my face.

  My vision blurred in and out, causing me to groan in frustration. I didn't see the point of wearing glasses; these couldn’t do anything to help my vision at this point. I opened the tap, needing to rinse my eyes out with cold water before hopping in the shower.

  I didn't need to increase my chances of blindly slipping and injuring myself. I couldn't waste my time on little wounds like that. I needed to help our Firefly, my beautiful Princess.

  "We’ll heal her," Azriel vowed, entering my mind.

  I splashed my face, the icy chilled droplets made me shiver, but I continued the action two more times before I turned the tap off. My hands rested on the sides of the oversized white marble sink.

  I gripped the edges as I struggled to lift my head, to look into my reflection once again. I was struggling with my image— always struggling with seeing myself looking anything other than flawless. Even if it was an angel spirit thing, I couldn't stand when my appearance was anything less than perfect, and my current drenched face, exhausted looking eyes, tangled hair that was lucky to stay in its current ponytail, and the bruises on my shoulder blades from the abuse of my power were far from perfect.

  I swallowed the lump in my throat as I lifted my head, s
taring at my reflection once more.

  I needed to get stronger. I didn't care if I hadn't slept for two weeks. I didn't care if I reached my limit. I needed to heal her. I vowed to fix this.

  When she finds out...about the damage...would she want to face me? No, I can't think about that right now. I can't think negatively. Yes, need to stay positive. I'll work harder and get faster. I'll be powerful enough to make her as good as new.