Poisonous Dream Read online

Page 30

  I didn’t reply, struggling at her strings that held me. I didn’t care about the cuts they created as I fought their strength. Once I was able to cross my arms, I summoned my wings— the once soft white feathers sliced through the strings as they hugged me in one quick movement, outstretching them once more.

  I flicked my wrist, using my own string to nullify the remainder of Cecelia’s strings; ignoring the blood that dripped from my wrist as I locked my eyes on Cecelia who looked petrified in fear. I could feel my magic pulse through my body, gathering in my eyes which I knew were copper.

  “Why don’t you use those pathetic eyes of yours and pay attention,” I stated, my voice having no emotion.

  Cecelia quickly looked around, still unable to see what I’d done. I grinned, flexing my wrist and allowing my blood to drop on the hidden string before me. The moment my blood hit the string it turned red.

  One string after another began to appear: revealing a web of strings around the entire map. The other royals gasped at the red strings that they were deeply entangled in. One wrong move and it would get messy if I set them off.

  Cecelia blinked in shocked, making me smile in pure amusement. I began to walk toward her; my web of strings moved out of my path, but still held everyone else in place. Cecelia was about to dart toward me, but I wouldn’t let her.

  “Freeze,” I commanded, my ice tone beyond foreign to my ears. I could feel Midnight’s fear within me, but I ignored it, my sense of kindness replaced with the sheer desire to teach this peasant before me a lesson she’d never forget.

  She struggled to move, gritting her teeth as she hissed.

  “You fucking cunt!” she snarled.

  “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never break me,” I sang, my melodic voice was laced with an eeriness that would send shivers down my spine if I wasn’t in my current mindset.

  Instead, it made me giggle. I faced her, giving her a wide smile before leaning forward to whisper in her ear, “You want to know what they do at the facility? You think the facility is just a bloodbath?”

  I pulled back to laugh at the fear that flickered in her eyes. I loved watching her gold orbs flicker on and off, proving Cecelia’s host and spirit were struggling with one another.

  “You can’t even imagine what it feels like to fight for survival. Or beg for death to take you away,” I screamed, the memories flooding back to me. The multiple times Mako wished to die. The times she begged the gods to rid of her existence. This peasant knew nothing. And I’d show her.

  “Why don’t I give you a small taste?” I announced. I snapped my fingers, the strings lifting the other shifters out of the arena zone, disqualifying them by default. Cecelia’s eyes widened as the scoreboard began beeping— each beep signifying the elimination of a royal from the battle. After the eighth beep, only two names remained on the board.

  I heard the multiple footsteps outside the arena, medical crew already beginning to tend the injured. It was the least I could do because they didn’t deserve to see what was next.

  “Hope,” Midnight whispered, her voice trembled.

  Let me do this, Midnight. She deserves it. After this, she will know her place and respect the life and gift we’ve been blessed with.

  “Let’s begin.” I gave the best fake smile I could produce before swiftly kicking her in the face. She flew across the arena, crashing hard into a large tree, breaking the fake wildlife. I slowly made my way toward her, humming quietly as my strings danced around me.

  They were similar to dark flames, influenced by our desire to heal or harm. In this case, I’d have my fun, feeling like I was behind those walls that kept us; contributing to cycles of pain and torture.

  “Fucking cunt, I’m not afraid of you! This is nothing!” Cecelia screamed.

  I let go of my hold on her, wanting her to attack me. I’d at least give her a shot before I made her beg for forgiveness. She foolishly darted toward me.

  “STAY STILL!” she commanded.

  “Nullify,” I whispered, easily dodging her punch.

  She cursed, quickly recovering and trying again. Punch— Kick— Swing. Each move she tried to lay upon me was missed as my gift overpowered hers to the point she struggled to move.

  “You think you’re winning because you’re exhausting my gift? Hah. Fight me then! You’re the one who boasted about how cowardly I am! Why don’t you stop run—” she taunted, but I didn’t let her finish, punching her gut before I began to beat the shit out of her— blood clinging to my hands as I continued to smash her face.

  I kept an eye on the board, stopping right when it reached borderline red. Cecelia struggled to get up, spitting the pool of blood that formed in her mouth. Instead of repenting, she laughed.

  “That’s all you got, fucking cunt,” she coughed.

  I frowned at her words, shaking my head in disappointment.

  “Just give up. This is your final warning,” I warned. I glanced at the box, noticing the blank expression from Daniel’s family, my mother and father’s shocked expressions and the knights whose expressions varied from shock to sorrow.

  My eyes lingered on Azriel’s who simply nodded at me. I knew it didn’t matter if I was a villain. He’d support me, even if the world was disgusted by this dark side.

  “Give up? Hah! Show me your so-called facility ways. In fact, I won’t stop until my father himself tells you to!” she declared, wobbling to her feet.

  I glanced at King Moore whose frown deepened, clearly hearing his step daughter’s declaration. I glanced at her mother who looked proud and at Mother and Father who looked worried.

  Kade walked over to where Azriel stood; his eyes glowing brightly— his angel spirit in control. He mouthed a couple of words, my brain quickly translating his silent words.

  “Teach that bitch a lesson. We support you.”

  I could feel Midnight calm within us; her ultimate fear of the other’s judging us was a major contribution to her uneasiness. Of course, me using my gift had only contributed to the growing anxiety.

  I glanced back in time to miss her low blow attempt to hit me; swing, kick, punch, I continued to dodge her pathetic attempts as she staggered to hit me. I finally had enough, catching her fist in my hand as I gave her a devilish grin, excited to release some of my pent-up anger and stress.

  “Let’s begin,” I whispered.


  “STOP THIS! You’ll break her!”

  I ignored the pathetic cries of Cecelia’s mother who was fighting the guard, trying to enter the arena. Midnight still lingered in my mind, ready to give me energy if I began to falter, but currently I was too caught up in tossing Cecelia around the place like a rag doll.

  She’d given up five minutes in, but I would keep to my word, continuing my assault until the King himself stopped me. What I was currently doing was pretty cruel, something The Owner did to us at least twice a week, which he loved to call rag doll. Yes, talk about creativity.

  He didn’t name it after the sheer entertainment he experienced as he watched our bodies get flung around and torn apart by the back and forth impact. I wish it was that simple.

  When you reached close to death, he ordered an angel to heal you. He’d heal you to full health and start over again. Over and over for eight to twelve hours until you were lost in a world full of pain and relief.

  If Cecelia was in the facility she wouldn’t even survive a day. I noticed the red bar on the screen, snapping my fingers— my strings of judgment stilling her bleeding body as she barely remained conscious. I allowed my arm markings to glow, calling upon my gift to heal her yet again. I was already bored, begging for the gods to let Daniel’s Father end this so I could leave.

  After sessions like these, Midnight needed to calm down— sometimes experiencing a panic attack at the amount of bloodshed.

  I didn’t know how she’d react after this, but even if I wanted to find out, the exhaustion of this battle would hit me hard, knocking me ou
t for probably a few days.

  As sad of a conclusion that was, I continued to waste my energy. I could see the argument happening in the box, wondering what Kade and Daniel were talking about with King Moore. He looked like he didn’t care what happened to Cecelia, making me wonder what kind of King he was.

  I was ready to snap my fingers to start the shenanigans again when the King finally rose, turning to leave. He must have been making his way down here to stop me.

  Hmm, to leave her healed or one more?

  “What would Jehovah do?” Midnight suggested.

  I grinned, sighing as I let the strings drop her limp body to the ground. She was healed, but she laid there slumped on the floor. Fine. This isn’t the facility. I’ve gone over my limit anyways. Can you take over and be able to leave? I questioned.

  “I’ll make it if I have to. Go rest,” Midnight encouraged.

  I wanted to comfort her like Makoto was able to, but after the drain of energy and the darkness that clung to my mind, I needed to sleep. I took one more glance up to the box; only Azriel remained, staring down at me.

  I bit my lip, waiting to see his disappointment, but he gave me a small smile, mouthing three words.

  I Love You.

  I smiled back, blinking back tears as I shifted back to Makoto’s form. I closed my eyes, retreating and allowing the darkness to take me.

  Maybe my dark side was the reason why Azriel and I worked so well.

  At least my Sinister Angel loved me.


  I opened my heavy eyelids, staring at the limp body before me. I turned my head to my left, witnessing King Moore emerge from the stairway with Father, Mother, Kade and our star knights following behind.

  Daniel was the only one missing. My eyes returned to the box, but he wasn’t standing where he was moments earlier.

  “Why haven’t you said anything? It’s about time!” the woman roared through tears.

  Instead, the King, shook his head. “I’m not here to stop her. She can continue,” he announced.

  Everyone gasped; even my jaw dropped at his comment. Did he just tell me to continue?

  “ARE YOU MAD! She’s your daughter!” the woman snarled.

  “She isn’t my daughter, she’s yours. If she wasn’t so ungrateful and conceited she would have known her match ages ago,” King Moore continued.

  “How dare you! She’s worked hard to reach such strength and you let her be humiliated by the King and Queen by that…that experiment!”

  Ryder stepped forward, his eyes bled black.

  “Watch your words, woman,” Stryker snarled.

  I noticed the other knights step forward, all of their spirits taking over as they glared at the woman. She stomped her foot, before glaring at me.

  She made her way into the arena, walking toward me. The others looked confused, Kade’s eyes growing wide as if he’d figured out what the wench was planning.

  “Fuck, stop her!” Kade screamed.

  “FREEZE!” she commanded.

  Everyone cursed, Mother and Father looking completely shocked as they too, struggled to move.

  “I knew this would happen. Unbelievable. I didn’t waste all my cycles to lose my chance at being Queen all because of you! Filthy, worthless, MURDERER!” she shrieked.

  I backed away, unable to hide my fear as I tried to think of a way out.

  I knew I could face her, but my fear was crippling. I trembled, continuing to retreat till my back pressed against the rough bark of the few remaining trees left. My legs took this moment to give up on me, growing numb which caused me to slump to the ground. I panicked, trying to move them, but they felt heavy and after I tried multiple times, wouldn’t budge. I returned my gaze to the woman prowling toward me; she stopped only a few inches away.

  She grinned; the look in her eyes reminded me of The Owner’s as he enjoyed seeing me backed into the corner.

  I couldn’t think as I struggled to breathe. I couldn’t handle facing another Archangel. I couldn’t deal with it anymore. I needed help. I needed someone to save me. Please…someone…EliaseAnne, Elias…dammit.

  Only one remaining name flowed through my mind, the name left my lips in a silent plea.

  “Daniel,” I breathed, closing my eyes as tears rolled down my cheek— my body tensing up for the pain that was surely awaiting me.


  I flinched at the roaring sound. My eyes snapped open as I slowly turned my head to see Daniel, but in his shifted form, prowling straight toward us. The woman froze in utter dismay, her body beginning to tremble at the waves of power that pulsed off of Daniel as his copper gold eyes narrowed.

  I think what frightened everyone in the arena was Daniel’s wings. I knew from Eli’s explanation that Daniel had shifted into his angel form during the second exam, the awakening of power due to his dire need to save me. But she emphasized that his wings weren’t white like most angels. But as he approached, his wings were outstretched and far from the pure colored feathers. They were pitch black, leaking off dark power that made your body quiver.

  I finally understood the other knights’ comments; always saying Daniel was a sinister angel. He wasn’t just an Archangel. No, he was something beyond it, an extremely rare hybrid of a good and evil: A Fallen Angel.

  He reached us, the air so suffocating I struggled to breathe. The woman before me fell to her knees, backing away until she bumped into her daughter.

  “How dare you! You first tear my family apart, use my father for your own underlying tactics, allow your daughter to try and belittle and kill innocent ROYAL shifters, and now you dare to try and harm OUR woman. You definitely have a death wish, you pathetic piece of shit,” Daniel hissed, his voice was thick with malice.

  He stood before me, his wings outstretched as if to shield me from her in case she tried some way to harm me.

  “For…forgive me. I’m…sorry. Please,” she begged, trembling in place.

  I could feel Daniel’s power grow, knowing if no one stopped him, more people would get hurt or be influenced by his growing rage. I clenched my fist, wanting all of the fighting to end. I’d had enough and I didn’t want Daniel tainting his hands on my behalf.

  “I should rid of your existence,” he whispered, her eyes growing wide as she began to beg over and over— asking for forgiveness.

  I struggled to stand, my legs feeling numb and my magic running dry. I was able to concentrate enough to infuse magic into my legs, slowly making my way to Daniel. He raised his hand, a sword materializing in his grasp.

  I quickly glanced at the others, but they were all frozen, either too afraid or shocked to do anything. I couldn’t let Daniel kill her. She wasn’t worth him living with the regret or nightmares I once experienced. He raised the blade up, ready to finish the woman and I stopped him, embracing him.

  He paused, his body tensed up, but I just tightened my hold around his waist as my face pressed against his soft black wings. My fear began to fade.

  “Daniel. Don’t. Please,” I begged.

  “She wanted you dead. She could have killed you and the other royal shifters. She knows the Starlight laws like all of us. Yet, she ignored them and was ready to kill you. Why should I spare her?” he hissed.

  “Because you’re better than this. We are in no position to judge. You…don’t need her to plague your conscious with guilt. You don’t see it now because you’re blinded by anger. But anger fades, Daniel. It fades and you know what replaces it? Regret. You are not the judger. Only the Starlight gods can judge us. And you don’t deserve to have blood on your hands. Please,” I begged.

  He lowered his sword; I pulled away from him as he turned to face me. His copper eyes met my teary ones. He let out a frustrated groan, but his sword began to fade into ashes as his wings retreated into his back. He still stayed shifted; his long silver hair hung loosely down his back and his eyes were still a dark copper, but his expression was less deadly.

  He noticed how my body trembled as
I struggled to stay standing. He took another deep breath, calming himself enough to shift back to his human form. Once his shift was complete, he walked forward, pulling me into an embrace.

  “I’m sorry. Did I scare you?” he whispered into my ear.

  “A little,” I confessed, trying to stop the tears that flowed down my cheeks. I wished Makoto was here to help me figure out what to do, but being in Daniel’s hold helped calm my frantic heart.

  “It’s okay. You’re safe,” he whispered, hugging me tighter.

  “DANIEL! MIDNIGHT!” Kai screamed.

  My eyes widened as I noticed the sword that was about to stab Daniel in the back, I quickly pushed him away, ready to take the hit when Cecelia’s mom screamed; a blue arrow sticking out of her chest— piercing her heart. The sword in her hand stopped right at my chest— the royalty mark glowing brightly.

  Daniel scuffled to his feet and pulled me into his arms, lifting us both into the air as his wings reappeared.

  My eyes trailed in the direction of where the arrow had come from— glowing turquoise blue eyes emerged from the shadows; I noticed the glowing black and blue bow in his hand.

  He lowered his weapon, taking a step forward.

  The man was 6’8 in height, a black cloak draped over his shoulders with white fur, floating lightly not from the wind but the immense power in his very being. He had jet black hair with blue streaks and those eyes that locked on mine held a level of supremacy that automatically told me he wasn’t a mere shifter, but a Starlight god.

  My mind flickered to the black cat with blue eyes— Scarlet’s familiar, Moonlight.

  Thank you. I thought to him, hoping it would reach him as Daniel cradled me in his arms.

  He nodded before he turned away, a soft glow surrounding him till all vanished into the shadows; the last thing I saw was a cat’s tail.

  Our star knights raced over to ensure the woman was dead; Father and Mother ordering a clean-up and summoning of an emergency meeting with the other Royals.

  I wanted to help, but I was on the verge of breaking down and needed to calm down and let loose of the multiple emotions that bubbled up within me.