Poisonous Dream Read online

Page 4

  "She walked off before you could stop her and went to the exam first. By the time you guys were able to catch up she had already been stabbed by this Jeffrey man," Kade concluded.

  I nodded, unable to look him in the eyes. I'd been trying to ignore the amount of guilt that was building inside me. It was my fault we were all in this situation and if Makoto didn't pull through...I wouldn't know how to deal with it.

  "Raise your head, Daniel."

  I followed his command, lifting my head to stare into his turquoise eyes.

  "If I said I wasn't fully upset with what occurred, after knowing the full extent of what happened, I'd be lying. I'm upset that you forgot your role as her knight. But let me ask you this. Do you love my sister?"

  He pushed off the wall to face me, his eyes flickering back and forth from gold to blue. I swallowed, knowing this was not a question, but a challenge as a speck of power leaked off him- enough to make any average shifter tremble. I pushed off the wall to stand straight, Azriel lingering in my mind as I put on a confident face.

  "I love her. All of her. You’re right. I failed at putting my knightly duties first. I let my insecurities hinder my decisions, and my friends and the woman I love are suffering for my actions. I...don't know if she's going to forgive me. Especially if we can't fix the damage the poison caused. But...I won't give up. I'll work harder not only to heal her, but to prove how much I love her," I declared.

  He narrowed his eyes; his intense gaze made it hard for me to stay still, but I kept my ground. He needed to know how much I wanted this— to be given a second chance to prove my love and worth to our Princess. I'd failed the first time. I wouldn't fail again.

  He patted me on the shoulder as he closed his eyes, smiling.

  "Truth," he whispered, his voice two octaves lower. When he opened his eyes they were glimmering gold. "I will tell you this now. If Makoto is the same loving sister I had the privilege to love and adore before she was taken, one thing she struggles with is trust. Trust is earned and for her, if someone hurts her or makes her question that love, she makes them go through hell before she forgives them. What I'm trying to say, is Makoto may ignore you on purpose. It's her way of coping," he explained, taking a deep breath before continuing.

  "She didn't get upset often, but when she did and either Xavier or I broke her trust by telling on her or breaking our promises, she'd ignore us. I believe the longest was a rotation for Xavier. Regardless, until we told her we were sorry and explained why we ratted her out, she'd give us a chance to make it up to her. Sure, she was really small back then, but she's a smart girl and that's how she dealt with those situations. Just don't give up and retreat. She does it to see if you'll stay by her side or leave," he finished.

  "Okay. I won't fall for her methods of pushing me away."

  "Correct," he replied, closing his eyes. When they opened, they were back to their original blue-green nature.

  "Good. Thank you for being honest with me. I need a few hours to rest. Kai or Ryder potentially will come running over here in a few minutes so if you need to leave after that it's fine. One of them will stay with her," he explained.

  "I'll stay the whole shift. I'll tell them to go get some fresh air or check in with Marcus." I pulled over the chair that was in the corner of the room, lifting it up and placing it right next to Mako's bed.

  "You sure? Make sure you don't push yourself," Kade stressed.

  "I'll be fine, trust me. I slept all night and that morning thanks to my older brother," I admitted.

  "Ah. Michael and Ezriel, correct?" Kade inquired.

  I tilted my head in confusion. "How do you know my brother?"

  "He came by when you guys were in Earthala. I guess you don't know yet, but your family is a part of this cycle’s royal competition," he revealed.

  "Royal competition?" I questioned.

  Kade slipped his hands into his pockets, his face showed a glint of disgust. "It's some stupid competition with a few royal shifters. Every cycle one royal family is chosen to come down to Heila and they do a 'friendly' match. Think of it as being in an arena with eight other shifters. The other shifters are randomly chosen and if they win are rewarded with an increase in rank or given a higher position than their current one. For us running heirs, it's just a waste of time. Last cycle it was Kai versus me."

  "Who won?" I asked.

  Kade grinned, causing me to shiver. "Me. We didn't go hardcore. We just had to play around for show. I bet I would have struggled a little with Kai. Fire is always hard to beat and he has a lot of it, especially if his temper gets triggered," Kade pointed out.

  "Wait. So why did Michael need to come here?" I questioned again, still not connecting the dots.

  "He wanted to represent your family spot for the competition. But his request was declined," Kade mumbled.

  "Declined? Why? He's a running heir just like me," I huffed.

  "I listened in on Mother's conversation with the organizer and it seems your so-called half-sister will be taking the spot this cycle."

  I clenched my fist as I tried to control my sudden anger.

  "She can't participate! She isn't a Moore," I snarled.

  Kade nodded. "I agree with you, but she requested first and your father seems to see nothing wrong with it. I guess your stepmother is the influence of such decisions. All I'm hoping is Xavier makes it in time for the competition."

  "When is it?" I asked.

  "Two rotations from now."

  "What happens if Xavier doesn't make it on time? Where is he?"

  "He's dealing with an investigation in Realm Six. They're trying to locate the facility there and shut it down, but they're struggling. He was on his way back, but there was an urgent matter in Distala that needed his attention. And if he doesn't come back..." he trailed off, his eyes landing on Makoto.

  "She can't," I exclaimed.

  "They don't care."

  "Why can't you participate?" I exclaimed.

  "I can't participate two cycles in a row. Before, Xavier and I had always switched back and forth because the option was there. If Makoto had been here, we would have alternated between the three of us. If Xavier doesn't make it on time, Makoto has to participate by default," Kade explained.

  "She can't fight Cecelia! She's a sneaky bitch...who only cares about winning, even if it's against the rules." I rose to my feet.

  "Can't the King override this?"

  "Dad can, but it would look bad. Unless Makoto is unconscious till then which I doubt, he can't use her injury as an excuse. Past royals have suffered similar situations and had to participate when it was their turn. Dad giving Makoto a free card would be favoritism."

  I bit my lip, holding my hands behind my back. I didn't need him to see them tremble with rage at the situation.

  "The others aren't going to be happy when they find out."

  "No one is happy about this, Daniel. I'm trying to fight this and have been trying to get a hold of Xavier every day this week. But my sister will have to participate if I can't reach him in time. I know Makoto is capable...but, I don't know how she's going to react to her current predicament when she wakes up," Kade argued.

  I could see the frustration on his oval face as he glanced back to Makoto.

  "This is the worst time for her to be hurt and it's painful for me to see her in this state. But, we just have to work with it and see what happens. If this is the path the stars want us to take, we have to make the best of it," Kade finished.

  I sighed, returning my attention to Makoto who hadn't even stirred during our disagreement. I noticed a slight movement beneath the thick comforter that laid on Mako's lower half. I raised my eyebrow, watching the lump begin to make its way up the sheets.

  "Nightmare," Kade announced.

  The lump stopped. "Mew." The little sound was muffled by the thick sheets.

  Kade smiled, shaking his head before making his way to the other side of Mako's bed. He lifted the blanket, revealing the fluffy white ball. Her t
ails began to glow pink as they waved wildly.

  "MEW!" she exclaimed, moving to cuddle next to Makoto.

  "Has she been under there the whole time?" I questioned.

  Kade shrugged. "Who knows? She likes to appear out of thin air," he explained, reaching out and petting her.

  She began to purr as her tails rested on Mako's chest.

  "How do you know Nightmare?" I asked.

  "She's been sis' familiar since she could crawl," he replied.

  I gawked at him. "What? Wait...so Makoto saying Nightmare's a Starlight god is true?" I asked, astonished.

  "Hmm? You didn't know that? Hmmm, I guess only myself, Xavier and Ryder knew," he pondered to himself.

  "Ryder didn't know," I pointed out.

  "Ryder must not remember. Well, he did experience amnesia after the confrontation and kidnapping of Anya. He probably doesn't remember a lot from his childhood. I think he can only recall some memories about Makoto because of the strong connection they had from the beginning. But I can't vouch for how much he still knows," Kade explained.

  "Wow...that explains a lot," I replied, staring at the Foxshier who nestled in her usual spot between Mako's neck and shoulder. Her tails lazily moved side to side, glowing a soft gold.

  I noticed the flow of healing energy flowing into Mako's body. It was a small change, but her cheeks looked rosier and her skin was less pale.

  "Good work, Nightmare. Make sure Mako stays strong, okay?" Kade whispered, giving one last pet before stepping away.

  "I'm heading out. Kai and Ryder should be here any mo—" he began when the door unlocked, a pair of footsteps followed before the curtain moved to reveal Ryder and Kai who looked upset.

  The moment their eyes locked onto Kade, they frowned and their anger seemed to dissipate.

  "Oh no, I've been caught for my crimes." Kade sighed dramatically as he lifted his hands and shrugged.

  "You’re lucky you look like your sister," Ryder huffed.

  "Hmph. Only gets away with stuff cause he's the boy version of Mako," Kai stressed.

  "Or, you can admit that you feel amazing and are just too stubborn to thank me." Kade grinned, his eyes flickering.

  They both froze, sighing.

  "Thank you, Kade." They both bowed their heads.

  "Isn't that blackmail?" Azriel mumbled.

  I rolled my eyes. Totally blackmail, but it's smart. Also, they have a point. I wouldn't want to hit him either. He looks way too much like Mako.

  "Indeed." Azriel agreed.

  Kade slid his hands back into his pockets, still grinning at Kai's and Ryder's disappointed faces.

  "The benefits of looking like my sister. Now, I'll be off. Make sure Daniel gets some rest when he's done the magic infusions. I'll be back in a few hours." Kade reached the curtains as Kai and Ryder approached Mako's bed, each giving her a quick greeting and kissing her lightly on the lips. They both petted Nightmare who appeared to be asleep.

  "One more thing. Daniel, can you tell them what I told you? I'd like all of you to be aware so I can be given updates on Makoto's progress when she wakes," Kade requested.

  I nodded, glancing at Ryder and Kai who looked confused. "Will do."

  He nodded, pulling his hand out to give us a wave before leaving the room.

  I sighed, glancing at Makoto before the others walked to my side.

  "What's Kade talking about?" Ryder asked.

  "And what does it have to do with Mako's recovery," Kai inquired.

  I took a deep breath, ready to explain everything Kade had told me about this competition.

  Please Starlight gods, give us patience and help Makoto recover quickly. Most importantly, give me the courage to not back away. In stars we trust.


  I glanced up at the sky above, needing a moment to calm the flicker of anger and sadness raging within me. It was as if the two emotions were battling against one another— trying to prove who was stronger.

  I took a deep breath, closing my eyes before I lowered my head and looked at the black door before me. I can last without shifting for one hour. I can do this.

  "I'll try as well. I really want to talk to EliaseAnne when you two are done," Ryuu requested, entering my mind.

  No problem. We got this.

  I placed my hand on the doorknob, allowing my magic to flow to my fingertips before the door unlocked. I turned the knob, entering the room before closing the door behind me and looking for where Elias was chilling.

  My eyes locked on him playing with a Rubik’s Cube, the small cube floating above the palm of his hand as he concentrated on it. I waited till all sides matched before he reached for his phone that was on the coffee table next to where he sat crossed leg, tapping the screen which I assumed was a timer.

  "Seven minutes...so close," he mumbled.

  "Are you trying to beat the world record in Earthala?" I questioned. His eyes lifted up to meet mine as he gave me a small smile.

  "Ya, but I keep getting distracted. Eli keeps complaining about her nails," Elias huffed.

  I smiled, shaking my head before a chuckle escaped me; something I hadn't heard for a while. "She doesn't mess with her nails. She can talk with Ryuu in a minute," I suggested.

  Elias shut off his magic, the floating cube falling into his hand before he rose up, walking over to the desk and placing it neatly in the corner. "Any word on Makoto?" he asked, not meeting my gaze.

  "Firefly’s stable. That's the last I heard from Ryder last night. Seeing as no one has called us, she should be fine," I replied. I pulled out the desk chair, sitting down on the hard brown wood while Elias leaned against the desk, his arms crossed.

  He closed his eyes, concentrating from the way his eyebrows furrowed. I knew he was telling EliaseAnne he needed a moment with me alone. I didn't have to say anything to Ryuu, his presence vanished the moment we walked in.

  "We're alone now," Elias announced.

  "You don't want to freak her out?" I asked.

  He nodded. "She's worried about Makoto and Midnight," Elias replied.

  "I want to see her," I whispered, looking at my hands, eyeing my left hand that was beginning to shake involuntarily.

  "Me too. But maybe when she wakes up, we can," Elias suggested. He walked over to where I was, kneeling to sit on the floor next to my chair— his hand resting on my left, lifting it up and down to clap my hand.

  "What are you doing?" I smirked.

  "Remember when we were kids? I'd always do this, thinking it would stop your hand from shaking," Elias reminded, a big smile on his face.

  "Ya. I'd laugh and it would stop and you acted as if you found the cure to cancer." I laughed; the trembling stopped.

  "See. It works. I'm a genius," Elias gloated.

  "Uh huh. Sure, you are." I shook my head, but continued to smile at Elias’ attempt to cheer me up. "Ain't I supposed to be comforting you?" I whispered.

  "We can comfort each other. You don't need to visit me every day, though," Elias suggested.

  "You'd be lonely if I didn't. And EliaseAnne would probably cry nonstop. She's ugly when she cries," I mumbled.

  Elias laughed. "You're lucky she didn't hear that and you and I both know you just don't like seeing any girl cry. It makes you feel like the world is ending. Makoto merely blinks her eyes and you submit to all her requests," Elias chimed.

  "Do not," I mumbled.

  "Do too. Hahaha. Bet a one-way ticket to heaven on it?" he dared.

  I groaned. "Fuck you," I grumbled while he chuckled. After a few moments, we sat in silence, lost in our own thoughts.

  "Did Kade tell you?" Elias asked.

  "Mako's legs?" I asked.

  Elias nodded.

  I took a deep breath, exhaling loudly. "She's going to freak the fuck out," I whispered.

  "Probably. But Kade said they’re working on it. Maybe with rehab, they'll begin to work again," Elias suggested.

  I frowned, looking straight ahead.

  Elias noticed my int
ense gaze. "You know something," he accused.

  "I do. Something she told me the night after our date in Earthala," I confessed.

  "When she took Cassandra on a ride with Scarlet to escape those thieves?"

  "Yup. That evening we went out. Everyone else was asleep, but she couldn't sleep from all the excitement that happened. So we went on a walk with Nightmare," I explained.

  I closed my eyes, remembering our conversation.


  I came to a stop, Makoto tugging at my hand. I looked over my shoulder to see her staring up at the starry sky. "What's wrong, Firefly?" I questioned, not liking the sound of her voice.

  "Nothing...I just wanna sit for a bit," she revealed.

  Even though her request seemed like nothing, I felt there was more behind her words. "Okay. Come, there's a good place to sit and view the stars," I suggested.

  She nodded, following my lead as I brought her over to a spot I'd found earlier in the morning when I'd gone for a run.

  I sat down, patting my lap. Makoto smiled, making her way over and sitting on my lap. I rested my back against the oak of the gigantic tree that gave the best view of the multiple stars twinkling above us.

  "Talk to me, Firefly," I whispered in her ear, tightening my hold around her.

  "Remember how I told you that I went through something that made me want to end it all?" she whispered.

  "Yes, I remember."

  "The anniversary of it is next week," she whispered.

  "Can I ask what happened?" I whispered.

  I didn't want to force her to tell me what had occurred. I knew there were things that had happened to me in the facility that until this day, I still hadn't had the courage to reveal. Maybe to Makoto one day, but till then, it would remain locked within me.

  "When I was around seventeen...we had to go through a certain lab experiment. It involved myself and nineteen other shifters. We were all strong in our divisions and we assumed it would be like any other blood experiment," she began.

  She took a deep breath, struggling to continue.

  "Take your time, Mako," I reassured her, allowing one of my arms to leave her waist and rest on her crossed legs. I could see a glimpse of her smile as she placed her hand on mine.